Website Design Dos and Don’ts in 2019

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - Website Design: Dos and Don'ts in 2019

Designing a website is almost the same as building a house. It is necessary for you to build a foundation and utilize the proper materials to make sure that your structure lasts for a long time. Some of the main elements to focus on when developing an effective website design include the domain name, the […]

YouTube SEO: The Elements You Should Focus On

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - YouTube SEO: Key Elements You Should Focus On

Are you utilizing YouTube as one of your SEO tools, if so, are you doing everything right to reach your target audience? This blog post covers the main elements that you should focus on when dealing with YouTube SEO. Main Factors That Affect Video Rankings: Views and watch time The total number of views and how much of it […]

Top SEO Trends to Focus on in 2019

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - Top SEO Trends to Focus on in 2019

SEO or search engine optimization is something that constantly evolves over the years. This happens because of the changes in the way people use and browse the internet. Optimizing your social media strategy and your website for the upcoming year is not going to be difficult if you have the right ideas, proper tools and […]

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas for the Holidays

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - 10 Social Media Marketing Ideas for the Holidays

The holiday season is definitely the biggest sale opportunity of the year for retail businesses that you have to take advantage of. This season gives businesses a chance to add some personality to their social media marketing strategy by incorporating the holiday spirit. Our team at Maxeemize have created a list of ways you can get creative […]

SEO vs SEM: Which One’s Better for Your Business?

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - SEO vs SEM: Which One’s Better for Your Business?

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are two of the most useful online marketing strategies many small businesses use today. People often think that these to tactics are the same, but even though they both have the same goal of making your business website more visible on search engines, they do have […]

Digital Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Maxeemize - Digital Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Digital marketing has become more important for small businesses that are trying to stay competitive nowadays.  But the question that small business owners asks is, what type online marketing strategy should they focus on with their hectic schedule? As an entrepreneur, figuring out where and how to start your digital marketing campaign can be challenging. […]

Understanding Cornerstone Content And How It Can Help Your Business

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - Understanding Cornerstone Content and How It Can Help Your Business

It is essential for a business to have cornerstone content when building and developing their website. This type of content can be described as the foundation of articles written on your website. They contain the most important information you have to offer in your specific niche. When trying to rank well for the one or […]

Guide to Measuring Your Social Media ROI

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - Guide to Measuring Your Social Media ROI

High social media ROI, or return on investment, is a great indication of a successful online marketing strategy. To secure long-term investment and budget for your social marketing strategies, you have to clearly exhibit how your efforts are contributing to your business’ goals. Other than proving its impact on your company, measuring and tracking ROI […]

Better UX Design = Better Business

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - Better UX Design = Better Business

If you often hear questions like “How can we increase conversions?” or “How can we reduce shopping cart desertion?” come up in your online strategy meetings, it is more likely caused by poor user experience (UX). After all, a lot of the most successful companies we know today have proven that UX is the main […]

10 Security Measures to Keep Your Website from Getting Hacked

Maxeemize - Orange County Digital Marketing - 10 Security Measures to Keep Your Website from Getting Hacked

There are various reasons for you to keep your website secured from getting hacked. Hackers target even the simplest websites for reasons we do not know. If you have an online store, then you probably have already had hacking problems. Website hacks have been consistently increasing for many years now and the repercussions for such […]